“Early gas of Kandym” group of fields and development of the northern part of Shadi area, Kuvachi Alat fields, 1st start-up complex

End Customer: LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company.
General Contractor: Hyundai Engineering (Korea)
Project purpose:
Development of Kuvachi-Alat field located in Karakul district of Bukhara province of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for extraction of natural gas and associated condensate in the volume of 1.86 billion m3/year. 12 production wells are located on the contract site. Development of the northern part of Shadi area located in Alat district of Bukhara province of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for production of natural gas and the associated condensate in the volume of 0,7 bln m3/year. 9 production wells are located on the contract site.
Scope of work:
- Development of FEED design documentation.
- Development of detailed design documentation for the facilities of “Kuvachi Alat” and Northern Shady field, as well as provision of the designer construction supervision, namely:
- Development of wells;
- Gas flowlines from the wells until the gas gathering stations;
- Gas collector from GGS until PGPT;
- Metering gas header from GGS until PGPT;
- Overhead line (OHL) 10kV;
- Cathodic protection and power supply system for ECP means and gas flow lines;
- 55 km gas pipeline from Kuvachi Alat PGPT to Northern Shadi PGPT;
- Automobile road with total length of 100 km;
- Development of plot plans for wells, GGS, water intake facility and PGPT;
- Development of buildings and structures at the PGPT.
Work implementation period: 2014-2015